Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Work Ethic

Attitude towards Work in America Have Been Very Much Influence by the Work Ethic. This Work Ethic is Also Called The “ Protestant  Ethic “ It Motivates People to Work Hard so that They Become Successful. The Work Ethic has something to do With the Quality Of Goodness. This Ethic was the result of the religious belief that success was a sign of God’ s  “ chosen “and would go to heaven. Whether one was successful or not work had religious and moral Value.

Nowadays The Work Ethic is still Important ; However it has lost its religious significance. the outcome of the American Work Value is materialism and has The Tendency to be concerned with wealth and possessions.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Being Free From The Depths Of Bitterness

Life is not easy. It will not be always written in happiness, laugh or joy. In other words, life is full of tragedy. People face disagreement, sorrow, cries, evil, and fights. As a human being, there are the times when they feel so down, surrounded by sadness. They feel so lonely until they find the only friend that accompanies them is just their own shadow. People realize that they can not stay in that condition. Otherwise, that condition will just only make them more buried in the misery, so people have their own strategies to set themselves free from those depths of bitterness. Accordingly, there are three things that people usually do. They listen to the music, share heart-to-heart with the beloved ones, and to be alone.

The first thing is listening to music. Many people love music. They listen to it any time especially when they are not in a good mood. They need something that can recharge the energy of their souls and make them re-energetic. Therefore, music is their escape. It is no doubt that music can raise up the mood. By listening to the songs that they like, the ones that are on their playlist, they will feel more relaxed. In addition, they listen to the songs that have motivational lyrics. When they listen to the every single word on those songs, they let the lyrics come inside their minds. Furthermore, they let those series of words melt in their hearts, and lead them to be liberated from their gloom. Choosing the songs that have up-beat tempos, singing, and dancing while listening to the songs will create the smile and cheerfulness on their faces.

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Karl Max and The Communist Manifesto

To understand Marx and Engel's "political pamphlet" The Communist Manifesto, one must understand the social relationships and processes associated with feudalism, including both the interdependence of the church and state and the economic interdependence of families. Otherwise it seems incomprehensible that more serfs did not flee the land. Similarly unless one knows of the existence of dress cock (in medieval cities (not discussed in Marx), one cannot comprehend the failure of many urban servants to flee their masters.

Defining Social Science as Different From History

To establish their legitimacy, early American sociologists tried to identify how their field differed from more traditional fields of study. In 1921, Robert Park and Ernest Burgess reflected on the nature of history and sociology. Both, they Wrote, "are concerned with man as a person, as a 'political animal,' participating with his fellows in a common fund of social traditions and cultural ideals" (p. 10). According to these early qualitative American sociologists:

History ... seeks to reproduce and interpret concrete events as they actually occurred in time and space. Sociology ... seeks to arrive at natural laws and generalizations in regard to human nature and society, irrespective of time and place. . . . History seeks to find out what actually happened and how it all came about. Sociology ... seeks to ex¬plain, on the basis of a study of other instances, the nature of the process involved. (p. 11)

Theoretical Use of Historical Information

I have placed the terms captures and object in quotation marks in the preceding statement because they are problematic. Not all methodologies imply that the researcher should "capture" the "object" of study. Feminist methodologies oppose these terms, because they imply that a researcher is trying to dominate the phenomenon under consideration (see Keller, 1985). Other chapters in this volume review some of the implications of current methodologies. This essay necessarily adopts a methodology; to wit, adequate social science includes a theoretical use of historical information. Any social phenomenon must be understood in its historical context. To grasp historical information, one must have a point of view, including an interpretive framework that includes some notion of the "meaning" of history.

Social Science Research Methodology

 ONE question logically precedes any advice about the use of historical methods in social science research: What do social scientists mean by his¬torical research? Articles distinguishing between historical sociology and sociological history tend to develop ideal-typical portraits of each endeavor. Rather than presenting ideal types, this essay will unfold as much qualitative research does—by in¬ference. Nonetheless, this essay has an implicit theme: Whether done by social scientists or by historians, historical work requires a point of view. A print of view necessarily includes an interpre¬tive framework that implicitly contains some no¬tion of the "meaning of history."

File Extension Gadget

People’s mostly have familiar with the word “gadget”. Gadget is kind of small tools that have a big usefulness. In computer’s field, gadget can be a file that appears as a sidebar on the desktop, such as weather information, football news, polling, and soon. For some people, gadget is needed to give them necessary information.

Many website have providing their web with free gadget download. You can also upload your own gadget to share with other people. File Extension Gadget is really important because in some cases, they can help you to find the malfunctions parts on your computer system. Driver Detective, for example, will help you to find out dated drive on your computer and find the newest version to be installed, to regain your computer’s speed performance.

If you have found that your computer performance is getting slower and slower than the first time you buy, probably your system driver is out dated. Just try this gadget, it will automatically scanning your computer system, finding the newest driver version, and install it. Driver Detective only downloading programs from certified websites, that free from bugging. So, as a user, (I’m using it right now) I recommended this software to optimize your system speed.

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

The Importance of Home Insurance

Buying home insurance is one of the big investment you can have if you are a homeowner. This type of investment will be able to protect your home. In fact, if you plan to mortgage your house construction, it is a must when you sign up for the word mortgage. Indeed, it is very important for every homeowner to have this type of insurance regardless if you live in places at high risk or not. Keep in mind that regular insurance might not cover the factors that are considered high risk. Therefore, be informed so you can get the right value for your home insurance.

The Internet is a big help in buying home insurance. So, how can I help you then? Through the Internet, you can request quotes from different insurance companies. You will then receive several quotes, then you can compare and choose the right company that offers the right coverage at the right price.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

The Grass-Eaters Summary

“The Grass-Eaters” written by Krishnan Varma tells the life story of a man who has never had a decent place to live in. Ajit Babu is man who lives in Calcutta and works as a tutor.

One day, the father of one of the boys he tutored asked Ajit Babu where he lived, and to the man’s surprise Ajit Babu said that he lived in a pipe. Ajit Babu and his wife, Swapna, lived in a long pipe and was no more than three or four feet across, but this home was actually even better than his previous homes. His first home was a foot path of Chittaranjan Avenue, a place he stayed at when he and his wife had just first arrived from East Bengal to avoid the killings between Hindus and Muslims that took place there. That footpath was extremely inconvenient because of the crowdedness with all the refugees, residents, and locals living there.

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

The problems of Papuan students in Java Island

As a university student who comes from Papua to study in Java Island, Javanese people require him/her to concord with the nature or climate, culture or behavior and language use in Java Island. Talking about the language use in Java Island, however, those two languages are extremely different. In Wikipedia, it is called as divergence, i.e. a situation where an individual places strong emphasis on a communicative act that is different than the one to whom they are speaking. According to Thanasoulas, overdoing divergence may offend others because they tend to do dis-accommodation meaning the shift of registers by certain people in repeating something uttered by their interlocutors.

Why Papuan Students Like Study in Java Island

For almost all Papuans, becomes a university student in Java Island has a high prestige. The first reason is because study in Java Island needs a lot of money to pay the school, rent a boarding house, and spends money for transportation cost and to buy daily needs and food, so only those who belong to a rich family who can send their children to study in Java Island. Another reason why those who study in Java Island is a prestige for the family and the children itself are because only well educated family try to look for a good quality to study. These families think that they can get good quality of education in Java Island so they'll send their son or daughter to study there. Last, even though the learner is come from a poor family but he/she has a good achievement in a major of study, they can be sent by government province or churches in Papua to learn in Java Island. It becomes a prestige for his/ her family for he/she can get a bachelor degree.

John Doe Review

Book Title     : John Doe
Author     : Antoinette Moses  
Publisher     : Cambridge    
Total Page no     : 32    
Genre     : Murder Mystery
By : Alvia Widyastuti

At the hospital I’m Doctor Cox but my friends and my friends and my wife know me as Philip and my children know me as Dad. (p.6)

I like character of Doctor Cox because he is not arrogant. He is just ordinary people and low profile. He doesn’t bring job position in his family. He works in hospital very well. He always friendly with everybody. He help everybody with sincere. He’s very love his family. He is responsible with his job. 

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Jungle Love Review

One a holiday in the Caribbean, Jennifer and Lisa were attracted to Ian, one of the members of the holiday group. Unfortunately he had a girlfriend already, named Caroline, but things had changed, he and Caroline broke up, therefore Jennifer and Lisa had a chance to get him and Ian liked about of them, so he went out that two girls without they knew about it, but in the end they knew it. So both of them left him because he was so greedy and a few days before the holiday was over, Pete, Jennifer’s fiancĂ© came for Jennifer to talk about their relationship. Unfortunately she did not want to continue it, because she had not been ready to marry yet, at the same time when Pete was sad Lisa took that opportunity to get closer with Pete.

The Fame

 The Fame is Lady Gaga’s first album. Even tough her career started as a song writer for world musicians, her debut albums proves that she has a skill as a songwriter too. Although many people compare her music similar with Gwen Stafani’s and Madonna’s music, her music is so powerful, up beat and un boring. It combines 80’s and 90’s style, with dance, electronic and pop sound. Basically, her album is one of the best albums in this year.

Her songs tell about love, popularity and party girls. The first single in this album Just Dance and the second one, Poker Face have become number one hits in Top Charts all over the world. So obviously her album has got positive response from public.

The Young King and Other Stories

 The King's dauhgter married with an ordinary man, but one day he dissapeared, their baby was taken away from his mother's to the forest and gave him to the forester and forester's wife; sixteen years later the old king was dying and he looked for his grandson to be the young king, but in palace the young king didn't want to wear a good cloths, the gold crown and the beautiful jewel, because he dreamed that many slaves got suffer and had to work hard to make the beautiful cloths, the gold crown and the beautiful jewel for him, although many people said that he was crazy and thought that his appearance doesn't look like a king, but finally bad proved that he was the real king.

The setting story are in palace and forest. Before become the king, the young king lived in forest. after become the king, the young king lived in palace.