Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

John Doe Review

Book Title     : John Doe
Author     : Antoinette Moses  
Publisher     : Cambridge    
Total Page no     : 32    
Genre     : Murder Mystery
By : Alvia Widyastuti

At the hospital I’m Doctor Cox but my friends and my friends and my wife know me as Philip and my children know me as Dad. (p.6)

I like character of Doctor Cox because he is not arrogant. He is just ordinary people and low profile. He doesn’t bring job position in his family. He works in hospital very well. He always friendly with everybody. He help everybody with sincere. He’s very love his family. He is responsible with his job. 

“Well do everything we can”, said Susan (p.16)  
  I like character of Susan too. Because she is nice. She always try to do the best. She’s make a good effort. She help everybody with sincere. In story, Susan help Jenny to look for information about Mary. Susan look for information about a woman who died. Susan is television producer. She makes the program “Crime seek”

“I hope we can help you find John Roberts, said Susan” (p. 19) 
 I like this part in this book. Susan is very kind person. She help Jenny without profit. She is responsible person. She try to do the best for someone. In this story, she must find John Roberts before John Roberts finds someone else. She must find him before another person dies. She has manner to find him. The manners are go on the programme, show people the picture, tell them what happened and ask them if they know John Roberts 

 “Phillip phoned the number that was on the television programme. He talked to Detective Jenny Brown” (p.25) 
 I think this is very interesting. There is someone who know John Roberts. That someone is Philip know him in hospital. John Roberts is Doctor Cox patient. Doctor Cox is honest person. He is responsible person too. So, he phoned the number that was on TV programme. He tell about John Roberts to Detective Jenny. He know that man. He meet that man in hospital. He called him John Doe. Because John doesn’t know his name. John is liar. John admit that he has amnesia. Beside he know his self. 

“Then she saw John. John was by the door. He had a large knife in his hand”  
This is the final part of the book. I think this is very strain. Because John try to kill nurse Angela. Nurse Angela is phoned Doctor Cox. Nurse Angela tell John existence to Doctor Cox. John know that John become very angry. He take a knife to kill nurse Angela. Angela is afraid. But the police outside the her house. Angela run to the door and open it. The police run in. then the police take him away in the car. The police are taking John Roberts to York police station.

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